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Saturday, February 13, 2010

Toxins Impair Children's Neurological Development -- And A 10-Step Program To Stop It

It seems articles like these, warning us of potential hazards of some chemical are becoming more and more common. Don't eat mercury laden fish, stay away from BPA, parabens are toxic and phthalates cause cancer. When will it end? I am so sick of throwing away whatever chemically laden "item of the week" I have discovered is toxic to my family. Not to mention resting at the bottom of our lakes, rivers and oceans. Governement needs to "grow a pair" and just say no. Ban the phosphates turning our water systems into death traps for fish. No more chemicals used for cleaning in the homes (yes people, there are alternatives to chemicals that also remove 99.9% bacteria). We need to act now, not only for our own quality of lives and health, but for our babies who still have full lives to live. Have you ever read the instructions on the back of a Mr. Clean bottle?! To disinfect (kill 99.9% of bacteria) you must use it AT FULL STRENGTH and leave it on the surface for at least 10 minutes. I don't know about you, but I don't remember the last time I used Mr. Clean without diluting it, not to mention leaving on my floor for 10 minutes. Childhood cancer rates have sky rocketed over the past few years--it is no coincidence that we are also "discovering" all of these items/chemicals in our homes to be toxic. What are we waiting for?
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

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